Category: Birds

The bald eagle – a symbol of America’s freedom.  I get goosebumps whenever I see one!  Conowingo Dam has become a favorite place to visit and see bald eagles – lots of them!  I’m just a rookie at photographing these majestic birds, but I’m having fun learning the best spots to set up, times of day, lighting, etc. to try and improve my photos.  On this day, one of the eagles flew in from across the river and landed in a tree right near where I was standing!  Favorite moment of the day!

This time of year always makes me sad.  Not only is summer coming to an end, but the hummingbirds and butterflies will soon depart on their migration south.  I will miss them.

These two were feeding sunflower seeds to one another … it was so cute!

When the sunflowers start to die, birds like this American Goldfinch take over and enjoy snacking on the seeds.

I’ve never really spent time at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area other than during the winter snow goose migration, but I have ventured out a few times this summer and have not been disappointed.  Each time I’ve come home with photos that make me fall in love with nature photography all over again!  Here’s a Great Blue Heron in the lake near the Visitor Center.  Can you see the droplets of water coming off of it’s beak and into the water?