Posted on May 19, 2011 in Animals, Pet Photography
From a pet photographer’s perspective, bright overcast days are the very best for outdoor photography. I always cringe when I hear someone wishing for a “nice sunny day” to go out and take some photos. Unless I’m specifically going out to photograph shadows or reflections, then I’m not so much a fan of shooting on a sunny day. Particulary when pets are involved. I want to be concentrating on capturing the pet’s personality, not worrying about compensating for extreme contrast situations. The light was excellent last weekend when I attended the Chester Valley Kennel Club dog show – overcast for most of the day. Note the green grass behind this Cocker Spaniel. Had this been a bright sunny day, the background of this shot would have been very bright and detail would be lost. Instead, the light is even with no blown out highlights or dark areas. I wish I could put in my request for perfect light like this for every dog show I attend!
Posted on May 18, 2011 in Animals, Pet Photography
How far would you go to display the love you have for your pet? Would you consider getting a tattoo of your pet like this man did? I don’t think I’m that brave!
Posted on May 17, 2011 in Animals, Pet Photography
Last month I had a top secret photo session with Dano and his favorite “Aunt”. The images from the session were a surprise Mother’s Day gift for Dano’s human mom. We had a blast and Dano did great for being a “first time model”! We roamed around the park, visited the lake, and then hung out at home where Dano REALLY turned on the charm! This little dog will melt your heart. He was rescued from a shelter where the odds of him being adopted were slim due to his separation anxiety. Fate brought Dano and his human mom together and they are perfect for each other. He has another doggy friend that lives with them and he is never left alone. Not only that, but he frequently gets to visit his Aunt where he gets 110% of her attention full-time. What more could a dog want?! To see more images of Dano, visit:
Posted on May 16, 2011 in Animals, Pet Photography
Now this is called having your hands full….but in a very good way! Aren’t these beautiful dogs? The Borzoi is a very graceful and elegant sight hound. They glide around the ring with ease and are a joy to watch. I read that they will chase anything that moves and can be very catlike – independent and undemanding. I’m not so sure that cats can be “undemanding”. Mine certainly let me know when they want some attention, food, play time, etc. Sebastian and Tara…how would you like a Borzoi for a big brother/sister? I didn’t think so!
Posted on May 15, 2011 in Animals, Pet Photography
I couldn’t help but giggle when I saw this Bulldog trotting along carrying his toy lobster! He was having the best time! Heck, who doesn’t love lobster? I know that I do, even though I don’t have a chance to enjoy it very often. When I was little, my family went to the beach each summer for a week. One of the highlights of the trip was to have dinner at one of the famous seafood restaurants by the ocean. I always had lobster – yum! I really hated seeing all of the lobsters in the tank, though….and still do! Poor things!