Month: January 2012

Oooh, I love this image!  I just came across it while going back through some of my photos from last year.  This is one elegant Cocker Spaniel!  Cockers come in 3 colors – Black, Parti-Color, and ASCOB.  ASCOB stands for “Any Solid Color Other Than Black”.  I wish I could reach through my computer screen and just scratch that cute little nose!

A Ragdoll cat!  Isn’t this a gorgeous kitty?  Look at those oh so blue eyes!  This breed is named for the way they can go limp in your arms, just like a child’s rag doll!  This is a very laid back and loving breed and is described to be much like a dog because of their friendliness and intelligence.  Some have even been taught to fetch!  They are also one of the largest breeds of cats – mature males can be 15-20 pounds and females 10-15 pounds.  They come in a variety of patterns and colors and have a very sweet expression!  I just adore this breed!

Dano was having no part of being a supermodel when I visited with him over the weekend.  When I met Dano last Spring, he was a terrific model – posing like he’d been doing it for years!  This time around, the camera seemed to terrify him….and I wasn’t even using a flash!  Poor little guy!  Thankfully this wasn’t an official photo session – just a fun visit with one of the most lovable dogs you’ll ever meet….unless you have a camera in your hand!  By the end of my visit he was licking my face like crazy, so I guess Dano isn’t TOO mad at me!  🙂 

With a last name like Dallas, it isn’t surprising that my dad’s nickname was “Tex”.  Add to that the fact that dad loved everything country & western.  He often wore a cowboy hat and boots, loved country music, especially George Strait, was always reading a western novel, and loved Clint Eastwood, who is known for starring in some pretty well-known western movies.  What a surprise for me to be photographing at Steel Stacks in Bethlehem, Pa. and see my dad’s name, “Tex”, right up there on a wall on the outside of one of the buildings!  I’m pretty sure that was my dad stopping by to say hello and let me know that he’s still with me all the time no matter where I go! 

Did you know that petting your dog [or cat!] is one of the best ways to reduce stress?  Studies have shown that people who spend time with their pet are more relaxed, more optimistic, and less focused on daily worries.  I mean really, how can you not look into those soft loving eyes of your dog or cat and not be happy?  Having a pet is also known to reduce blood pressure, helps you to get more exercise since you’ll be taking the dog for a walk and even improves socialization for those who may be lonely.  Think about how often people stop to chat or pet the dog when you are out for a walk?  Taking the cat out for a walk on a harness or in a pet stroller will be a conversation starter too!  So next time you are stressed, sit down with your pet and tell them all of your troubles.  They won’t judge you and they may not have all of the answers, but you will feel MUCH better afterward!