Month: May 2012

….the weekend is almost here!

P.S.  The answer from yesterday’s post is that the puppy in the image is a Skye Terrier!


While dad stopped to talk with a friend, this little pup sat down in the grass to wait.  Do you know what breed this is?  Want to venture a guess?  I’ll post the answer tomorrow, so check back!  This image is from the Bucks County Kennel Club dog show earlier this month.  What an adorable puppy!

A tender moment at the Bucks County Kennel Club dog show earlier this month between handler and this sweet Golden Retriever.  Love this shot!  Especially that the dog’s eyes are closed and he/she looks so relaxed.

In photography, your eye naturally goes to the brightest part of the image first when viewing a photo.  In the blog image, don’t you first look at the head of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier and then let your eye roam around the rest of the scene?  This particular handler dressed perfectly to showcase this dog.  Her monotone darker color from the waist down absolutely causes your eye to focus on the dog, not on the handler.  As it should be.  I would think that handlers want the judge to focus on the dog, not on them, but sometimes their attire speaks otherwise.  Flashy dressing in the show ring only distracts the eye away from the dog.  I think it would be wise for handlers to take a look at photographs of themselves with their dogs in the ring to see what the judge sees.  It might cause them to rethink their clothing selection and it could even encourage more wins!  [At least this is my opinion!]  I love the movement in the blog image….the handler’s skirt and the dog’s fur as they are coming “right into your living room” as David Frei would say!  🙂

Meet Bamboo [Ch. Pequest Bamboo] – an adorable Pekingese that I met last weekend at the Chester Valley Kennel Club show in Ludwig’s Corner, Pa.  Bamboo is handled by David Fitzpatrick and this weekend won back to back Best of Breed and Toy Group 1 at the Mattaponi Kennel Club in Virginia on Saturday and Sunday.  Below is another image of Bamboo taken as he and David were waiting outside of the ring on what turned out to be a very windy day last Saturday.  I love the way Bamboo’s fur is blowing in the breeze!