Month: June 2012

Do you know this breed that has the longest name in the dog world?  It’s the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, or “Toller” for short!  They are the smallest of the retrievers and they were bred to lure, toll and retrieve waterfowl.  They were originally called the Little River Duck Dog….I think I like “Toller” better!  They have a water repellent coat that is red in color with white markings.  I can always recognize them because usually their nose matches their coat, though it can also be black.  This blog image is from the Bryn Mawr Kennel Club show earlier this month.  This pup’s ears look so soft!


I spent a while today editing photos of Colored Bull Terrier, Rufus, [Ch. Rockytop’s Sundance Kid] from the American Cancer Society fundraiser, Bark for Life, held in April.  That was such a fun day spent helping to raise dollars for the ACS and honor the canine caregivers who assist cancer patients through treatment and recovery.  Rufus and his human parents, Barb and Tom, give back so much to the community through Rufus’ work with children and adults as a therapy dog.  It was truly an honor to have them with us and I can’t thank Barb and Tom enough for bringing Rufus to this event!  Rufus was Best in Show at Westminster in 2006 and is so lovable that I can’t even stand it! 

This little girl and her Old English Sheepdog puppy were just about the same size.  She was handling the pup in the ring at the Bryn Mawr Kennel Club show last weekend and she looked so cute in her seersucker dress that had a big bow in the back.  It’s refreshing to see the young handlers in the ring just having fun with their dogs!  This little girl didn’t even flinch when the sheepdog decided that it was time to “use the restroom” right in the middle of their romp around the ring!

I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect model than this Yorkshire Terrier.  Simply beautiful!


I don’t always think of Saluki’s as being a large dog, but when you see them standing on their back legs – they are tall!  They are also a very elegant and graceful breed.  In this image, the handler is giving a sweet kiss to the dog after they placed in the Hound Group at the Bryn Mawr Kennel Club show in Ludwig’s Corner, Pa. last weekend.