Month: April 2014

6381_Harrisburg Apr 2014
Would anyone like to caption this image?


2285_Pawsabilities 2013
What a handsome face!  The blue background makes this image for me.  Choosing the background first when composing images is a good tip for photographers who want clean and uncluttered photographs.  Simple is best in my book!


6822_Harrisburg Apr 2014
Framing is a composition technique in photography where you utilize other elements within the image to draw attention to the main subject.  In this image, the handler’s body and arm are framing the Russell Terrier who is totally focused on the bait being presented.  Using a shallow depth of field ensured that the handler himself is out of focus, further causing your eye to look at the dog’s face.  Love this little Terrier!


Brewster & Savannah Easter 2014_web_frame
Happy Easter from Brewster and Savannah!


6375_Harrisburg Apr 2014
…is the one that you have with you.  This photography quote is so very true in this age of technology where it seems that everyone is a photographer – shooting with anything  from very expensive professional high-end cameras, to cell phones, to tablets!  Here’s a photographer at the Harrisburg Kennel Club show making images of the Cocker Spaniel breed judging last weekend with her tablet!  It still looks very awkward to me to see someone pointing a tablet at their subject and taking photos!  I can’t get beyond the cameras that don’t have view finders!  I MUST have a view finder!  I guess I’m just old school.  Or maybe just old!  🙂