Month: January 2015


Reports are that an “historic” winter storm is headed our way tomorrow.  We had about 6 inches of snow on Friday night/Saturday and the forecast for the coming week shows snow almost every day.  I am dreading it already!  Time for some ‘comfort food’!  Yesterday after shoveling snow I made chicken soup and curled up on the couch to watch a movie!  I have a feeling that there will be more of the same in the week to come!  Stay safe everyone!

Brewster and Savannah Jan 2014

This week Brewster and Savannah are celebrating the 2nd anniversary of arriving at their forever home!  It’s hard to believe that it’s been 2 years since they traveled over hill and dale with their angel SCRC transporters from Virginia to Pennsylvania to forever become my family!  I can’t begin to thank everyone who rescued and cared for them at the Siamese Cat Rescue Center.  To those who found them living outside on cold December days with no one to look after them, to those that brought them to SCRC, to their caregivers and foster moms, transporters, and everyone in between who had a part in uniting us, I send a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart!


One thing is for certain.  I will never, EVER, run out of photos of adorable dogs to post!  I’ve been having fun this week looking back through my 2014 images and picking some new favorites to share.  This image is from the Gloucester Kennel Club show in Buena, NJ in October.  The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is one of my favorite breeds.  They are the smallest of all retriever breeds and love to have a job to do …. like luring and retrieving water fowl!


As the biblical legend goes, God bestowed cold, wet noses on dogs for saving Noah’s Ark from sinking.  One of the dogs on the ark discovered water pouring through a hole in the hull. The dog stuck his nose in the small hole to keep water from flooding inside.  A second dog ran off to alert Noah, who quickly repaired the hole. The dogs saved the day. For their actions, God made a cold, wet nose the symbol of good health for a dog.  (If that had been my cats on the ark, they would have stood by the hole and tried to drink the water as it came pouring in!)

5697_LVKC Dec 2014

Sweet expression, little black nose, perfectly groomed ….. what’s not to love?
I photographed this adorable Yorkie at the Lehigh Valley Kennel Club show in Allentown, Pa. in December.  The LVKC Canine Learning Experience and Match Show are this weekend.  Here’s a link to the flyer for more information: