Happy First Birthday Gabriel
Posted on May 31, 2016 in Animals, Cats, Pet Photography
Happy first birthday to my little squirt, Gabriel! A year ago this month he was born somewhere in Virginia. A nice person was feeding Gabriel and his mom and siblings for several months. Unfortunately, that very kind person either passed away or moved and Gabriel and his family were left on their own until someone brought them to an SPCA. Siamese Cat Rescue Center was contacted because Gabriel was a perfect fit for their program. Gabriel weighed in at 5 pounds back in November when he arrived at SCRC. When he came to his forever home a month later, he was up to 7 pounds. He’s now a happy and healthy 11 pound one year old. While not at all fond of wearing a cupcake scarf, I told him that it is a birthday tradition and he should at least give it a try. We are lucky to have any photos at all after the scarf-wearing adventure, but here’s his 1st birthday photo nonetheless! He is one very loved and spoiled cat!