Posted on December 14, 2010 in Animals, Pet Photography
If you have pets, you’ve seen this look just about a zillion times. Your dog or cat is sitting at your side, attentively waiting for a crumb to drop or for you to share whatever it is that you’re eating. In my case, the cats stare at me whenever I eat anything in the white bowl with a spoon. Oh, it doesn’t matter what’s in the bowl…they just react to the sound of spoon hitting bowl. Cereal, ice cream, red beets…they don’t care. After a couple minutes they realize that they aren’t getting any handouts and they go back to whatever they were doing before the sound of the bowl entered the room. At this time of year, when we tend to have more festivities in our homes involving food, it’s important to think about our pets and what foods can harm them. Below are links to spots on the Doctors Foster & Smith website that outline foods that are poisonous to dogs and cats and the reactions they will have if eaten. If your pet is a counter surfer or a crumb nibbler, take a few minutes to read the articles. I always feel it’s best to tuck pets safely away in a bedroom and close the door when company is coming so that they don’t accidentally get out or eat something that they shouldn’t. Have a safe holiday season with your pets!
Dogs: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2+1659&aid=1030