Category: Cats

Now that temperatures are a little bit cooler, Brewster is sporting his Fall sunflower and pumpkin scarf.  Only for photos, of course!

Wishing you a happy July 4th!  Stay safe and remember that some pets are afraid of loud noises like fireworks so please be considerate.
Betsy, Brewster, Savannah and Gabriel

Gabriel and I are sporting our trapper hats today because it is mighty cold!  After 70+ degree temperatures last week, winter has returned!  The high temperature today barely reached 30 degrees and the winds were blowing at 15-25 mph!  Brrrrr!

We are strictly indoor kitties, but that doesn’t mean we don’t like to get our paws on a bird every now and then!  Of course, the only kind of bird that we’re allowed to be near are the kind that are filled with catnip, like this bald eagle that mom just bought for us!  He isn’t really bald, he has feathers on his head and feathers on his tail and, well….I must admit, we LOVE feathers!  They tickle our noses!

Brewster and Gabriel are always vying for top spot on the cat tree.  They like to snooze in the cradle and keep an eye on the bird and squirrel activity in the yard from their high up perch.  On this day, Gabriel was comfy and minding his own business when Brewster decided that it was his turn to take over the top level.  So, what does Brewster do but take a flying leap from the floor onto the perch (see left photo) … regardless of whether Gabriel was laying there or not.  Who do you think won top spot?  As you can see from the photo on the right … it was Brewster.  He is, after all, the big brother!  Little squirt Gabriel was pushed out to find another place for his morning nap. I love the action shot of Brewster in mid-jump!