Posted on October 6, 2010 in Animals, Black and White, Pet Photography
Technically it’s called ‘bait’ – the food or object that is used to get a dog’s attention and encourage them to be alert in the show ring so that the judge can see the dog’s expression. Bait can be liver, cooked chicken, cheese or a hot dog. Some handlers keep the bait in their own mouth. Others put it in their pocket or a bait bag that can be clipped onto their belt. No matter what it is or where it’s kept, the dogs seem to love and respond to it. In this photo a junior handler is showing her Whippet a treat before going into the show ring. Do you think the dog was given the treat or do you think it was just a tease?
Posted on August 25, 2010 in Black and White, Landscape
Thanks to the line of poles on the left and the narrow country road, my eye is led right into this scene and straight to the barns in this landscape image from Lancaster County, Pa. Below is the original image before I converted it to black and white. Have you ever seen SO much green? To think this was shot at the end of July when we were having a serious heat wave and very little rain!
Posted on August 14, 2010 in Animals, Black and White, Landscape
I’ve always liked cows! When I was little, my family would often take a ride through the country on Sunday evenings to the dairy bar to play a round of miniature golf and have ice cream. There was always that familiar “scent” in the air when we left town and reached “the country”. I was always hanging out the car window looking for animals along the way … mostly we saw cows and deer grazing in the fields. Later on, my first apartment was situated in the country, across the road from a dairy farm. For a whole week in the spring you couldn’t open the windows when they fertilized the fields. Now my kitchen is decorated with cows! Ahhh….the memories! This friendly cow was posing for me during a recent visit to Lancaster County, Pa.
Posted on August 13, 2010 in Animals, Black and White, Pet Photography
The Borzoi is one of the most graceful breeds. Just look at the long nose and dainty paws. They are sight hounds, bred to hunt wolves, fox, and rabbits. It is so much fun to watch them in the ring as they are pure elegance in motion.
Posted on August 11, 2010 in Animals, Black and White, Pet Photography
This little ball of fur is adorable with a capital “A” ! Believe it or not, I STILL haven’t finished processing my images from the Burlington County Kennel Club Dog Show in June…..I’m getting closer though! Picking my favorites is super hard because there are so many cute dogs and I just don’t want to leave any out!