Category: Miscellaneous


All of the classic car owners were showing off the engines and other fancy car parts by having the hoods propped open at the car show.  The hood ornament on this old Oldsmobile reminded me of an airplane ready to take off.  Since the car show was right near an airport, it was very appropriate. Oh how I wanted a photo of a real airplane in the same shot as this hood ornament!


Yes!  If I could trade my pearly white Subaru in for a pink one I would do it in a heartbeat!  They just don’t make cars in pretty girly colors anymore!  That’s why I enjoy going to car shows and photographing the pink, turquoise, mint green, lemon yellow, teal, and other pretty colored cars from days gone by!  I could see this one sitting in my driveway right now……….


Some dog shows have great food … others, not so much.  I’m often at a show for 8 or more hours in a day and eventually the need for food arises.  If I know that the show location offers lackluster fare, I’ll take along my own snacks to keep me going until I get home.  While at a show at the Utz Arena at the York, Pa. Fairgrounds earlier this month, I was dining on a delicious turkey wrap sandwich and spotted these soft pretzels.  For whatever reason, I felt that they needed to be photographed!  I added a little Topaz Impression for a painting effect.

5287_Montgomery 2014
It’s not often that I sit and watch an entire breed being judged at a show.  I’m usually off in a million different directions with my camera.  On Sunday, however, I enjoyed seeing each and every Bull Terrier in the ring at the Montgomery County Kennel Club show in Blue Bell, Pa.  They are one of my favorite breeds and watching them brought back so many fond memories of the sweetest Bull Terrier ever, “Rufus” (Rocky Top’s Sundance Kid).   Miss you Rufus!


On a snowy Saturday I had time to work on more of my images from Steel Stacks in Bethlehem, Pa.  Here’s an image taken at dusk of the lights near the old blast furnaces.