Posted on August 10, 2012 in Animals, People, Pet Photography

Barb and Rufus at The National Dog Show 2009
We all cheered like crazy when Colored Bull Terrier, Rufus, [Champion Rocky Tops Sundance Kid ROM, CGC, TDIA] won Best in Show at Westminster in 2006. It was the first time that a Colored Bull Terrier had ever gone BIS at Westminster and what a champion! He won the hearts of everyone that he met and went on to become a true ambassador for his breed. Rufus went to heaven today after spreading joy on this earth for 12 years. He will be so missed by everyone that knew him, including me. I met Rufus just 2 months after he won BIS at Westminster. He was so lovable and I fell in love with his sweet personality. I saw him most recently in April when his proud parents Barb and Tom so graciously brought him to Pennsylvania for a Bark for Life event to benefit the American Cancer Society. Spending the day with Barb, Tom and Rufus was a special treat and I’m so happy to have had that time with them. I will always remember you Rufus……
Posted on August 4, 2012 in Animals, People, Pet Photography
I love a big old doggie hug! [This would be difficult to achieve with a Chihuahua!]
This image is from the Bald Eagle Kennel Club show in Bloomsburg, Pa. last weekend.
Posted on August 3, 2012 in Animals, People, Pet Photography
It was April 14, 2007. I was attending only my 2nd ever dog show in Harrisburg, Pa. It was at that show that I fell in love with an adorable pup from the Hound Group – a Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen named “Fairchild” [Ch Celestial CJ’s Jolly Fairchild]. Fairchild was a superstar in the ring and went on to win Best in Show that day! Jump ahead 5 years and say hello to Fairchild’s son “Wills” [GCH Celestial CJ’s All’s Well That Ends Well]. There is just something about the PBGV’s that I love! They have a spring in their step, a happy go lucky attitude, and so much spunk! Here are Wills and handler Greg Strong having a little chat at the Bald Eagle Kennel Club show in Bloomsburg, Pa. last weekend (above). Below is an image of Greg and Fairchild from the show in April 2007 when I first “met” this breed! It was love at first woof!
Posted on July 28, 2012 in Animals, Black and White, People, Pet Photography
What goes on “behind the scenes” at a dog show is often as much fun as the action in the ring! Dogs that win ribbons in the show have the opportunity to have their photo taken with their handler and the judge who awarded them the ribbon. It’s usually a pretty straightforward process with the photographer directing the handler on where and how to set up the dog for the photo. Generally the photographer has any number of toys that he tosses off to his left to get the dog to look in that direction and then…..SNAP!….the moment is captured with a photo! This particular Brittany had an entire entourage of folks who were “helping” the photographer to get the dog to look in the right direction. Once the scene was set, there were 3 or 4 people with toys all calling the dog’s name, waving their arms – anything to get the pup to look at them. The dog may have been new to the show scene and in need of the extra help. It was funny to watch as generally there is not this much fan fare surrounding the photo shoot with the judge!
Posted on July 17, 2012 in Animals, Black and White, People, Pet Photography
This image is clearly about emotion for me. It doesn’t matter who the girl is or what breed of dog I photographed. You can just FEEL the love between them! For the record, it’s a Golden Retriever and the image is from the Bryn Mawr Kennel Club show last month. This is the part of dog shows that I truly love! It’s the bond that you see between the owner and/or handler and the dogs! It’s just……well…….magical!