Posted on July 11, 2013 in Animals, Dog Show Photography, Pet Photography, Sporting Group
I was recently asked how I go about selecting the image that I post each day to my blog and Facebook. Really there is no rhyme or reason – just personal preference. I try and mix up the images so that I am posting a variety of dog breeds along with cats, creative effects, and non-pet related images. Of course I always have favorites from each event so they will usually always deserve a spot, but beyond that it’s whichever shot strikes my fancy on a particular day. Today it’s English Springer Spaniel Puppy, “Legacy Epic”. This photo is from the Bucks County Kennel Club show in Erwinna, Pa. back in May.
Posted on July 10, 2013 in Animals, Dog Show Photography, Non-Sporting Group, Pet Photography
The registered names of some dogs are challenging to remember, but not this one! Her call name is “Honey”, but her registered name is “Ch Crescendo’s Honey Not Tonight”. I met Honey a couple of years ago at The National Dog Show and instantly remembered her name and precious face. I’ve been lucky to see her a couple of times this year now that she’s back in the ring after becoming a “mom”. Her puppies are adorable and they are getting their paws wet in the dog show world as well! So cute to see mom and babies having fun at the shows!
Posted on July 8, 2013 in Animals, Dog Show Photography, Pet Photography, Terrier Group
This is American Staffordshire Terrier, “GCH An Garda Deja Vu Looking At You” photographed at the Bucks County Kennel Club show in Erwinna, Pa. in May. I love to photograph this dog – he’s simply stunning and he was Best of Breed that day at Bucks. If anyone can clue me in as to whether there is a good place to look online for the dogs’ call names, I’d appreciate it.
Posted on July 5, 2013 in Animals, Dog Show Photography, Pet Photography, Working Group
Our pets instinctively find ways to keep cool. But still, as pet parents it’s our responsibility to make sure that they are comfortable when the temperatures are on the rise. My cats are smart when it comes to finding the coolest spot in the house. Brewster lays on his back in the middle of the living room floor in front of the A/C and under the ceiling fan in the bedroom at night. I can almost hear him saying, “Ahhhh……!!!” Savannah likes to lay on the cool linoleum in the bathroom. This images features a Bernese Mountain Dog catching a breeze in front of a portable fan at the Huntingdon Valley Kennel Club show last month. On that particular day the temperature was in the low-mid 90’s with a lot of humidity. I’m looking forward to a couple of indoor shows this month!
Posted on July 4, 2013 in Animals, Dog Show Photography, Non-Sporting Group, Pet Photography