Scenes from a Snowstorm
Posted on February 10, 2010 in Animals, Black and White, Landscape, Nature, Wildlife, Winter
Holy cow….THIS is a blizzard! I didn’t venture any farther than the front porch today to capture these images. How could I? The snow is well over my knees and I don’t have high enough boots! I just want to snap my fingers and have it all disappear! The birds were enjoying the feast of sunflower seeds that my feeders provided and they didn’t seem to mind the cold and blowing snow. There were Tufted Titmouses, Black Capped Chickadees, White Breasted Nuthatches, Mourning Doves, a Bluejay and the ever-present gray squirrels. I hope I see my most-favorite person ever very soon….the man who comes to plow my driveway!
Great pictures! All I did was take a picture of my car buried in snow!!!! And that was also from my front porch – I wasn’t going any further!
What a strange winter, huh? Yes, it’s beautiful, but I think everyone is ready for spring! We had 12.5 inches in TEXAS last week! I love the little bird and the footprint is very telling!
Cool! Of the three scenes, I am really digging the footprint maybe because it is somewhat unexpected. But it looks just perfect.
Thanks Sandy, Barbara and Ed. WOW – 12.5″ of snow in Texas? That’s crazy!