Month: February 2010

The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show begins tomorrow in NYC.  Who will win Best in Show?  One of the top dogs to beat is Sadie, the Scottish Terrier.  Sadie won Best in Show at The National Dog Show in Philadelphia in November…her 100th Best in Show win.  She sure is adorable!  Be sure to watch Westminster Monday night and Tuesday night to see how she does!  

I was out briefly with my camera today but didn’t come back with many images that I liked.  Getting around was difficult.  Many areas that I wanted to visit in my neighborhood were inaccessible due to the depth of the snow and my unwillingness to get ridiculously wet.  It seemed that the kids and birds were having the most fun.  The rest of us “older folks” just deemed the results of the blizzard as a major nuisance.  I may not see the grass in my yard until May……..

Holy cow….THIS is a blizzard!  I didn’t venture any farther than the front porch today to capture these images.  How could I?  The snow is well over my knees and I don’t have high enough boots!  I just want to snap my fingers and have it all disappear!   The birds were enjoying the feast of sunflower seeds that my feeders provided and they didn’t seem to mind the cold and blowing snow.  There were Tufted Titmouses, Black Capped Chickadees,  White Breasted Nuthatches, Mourning Doves, a Bluejay and the ever-present gray squirrels.  I hope I see my most-favorite person ever very soon….the man who comes to plow my driveway!  🙂


Okay, so I don’t much feel like taking pictures, but maybe I can motivate myself to edit and post a few.  This is an image of Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge National Historical Park.  It was taken earlier this winter after a snowfall that blanketed all of Southeastern Pennsylvania.   It looks like another blizzard is on the way tonight & tomorrow … how many more days until spring???  I’m counting … there are 39.  Spring begins March 20th.

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Today was the first I’ve picked up my camera in weeks.  January was a dreadful month and I was happy to flip the calendar to February earlier this week.  I’m hoping for better days ahead.  After the snow stopped and the sun made an appearance this afternoon, I pulled out the camera to photograph Tara and Sebastian.  Neither were overly thrilled with the idea, as napping seemed to be their priority.  Still, here are two new images from today featuring the Lensbaby and some soft focus.