Month: June 2011


Do you remember the Dr. Seuss book called “Are You My Mother?”  It’s about a little bird that falls from its nest and goes around asking everyone he meets if they are his mother.  It was one of my favorite books when I was little!  This image shows a mom Shetland Sheepdog {Sheltie} and one of her adorable puppies.  Yes, she is definitely his mother! 

This Corgi absolutely feels his owner’s love….can’t you just see it in his eyes?  It’s a feeling of contentment, trust and security.  Our pets can read our feelings and respond to them…don’t you agree?  I know that my cats seem to sense when I’ve had a lousy day and that’s when they come and sit beside me on the couch at night.  I try really hard not to show my nervousness when I’m worried about them – especially when they are sick.  I don’t want to transfer that anxiety and fear to them when they already aren’t feeling well.  So just as with people, it’s important to show our pets that we care about them!  A kiss on the nose, scratch behind the ears, a new toy from the pet store, or an extra treat go a long way in letting them know how much you love them!

Basset Hounds are so cute with their short wrinkled legs and belly that almost touches the ground!  Oh and those long ears are to die for….such a sweet breed!

The Therapy Dogs from Abington Hospital {Abington, Pa.} were honored at the Huntingdon Valley Kennel Club Dog Show in Wrightstown, Pa. a few weeks ago.  A portion of the proceeds from this dog show were donated to Abington Hospital.  What a wonderful service therapy dogs provide.  They offer companionship and comfort to patients and have a wonderful ability to raise their spirits.  It was amazing to see the calm and reassuring nature of these therapy dogs and how well they interact with people and other animals.  They truly are God’s angels on earth!

Imagine being a dog or cat and your view of the world is from ground level or just a little above [unless you are a Great Dane, of course!]!  It must be terribly frustrating to constantly be looking up!  I think this adorable little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was enjoying his or her view from up high in dad’s arms!  I’ve found with pet photography that I need to spend more time cropping images than ever before.  Typically I like to compose in-camera and rarely ever crop my macro, landscape, still life, or other non-pet images.  However, when dogs and cats are involved, you can never predict what will happen so you need to be ready to grab a shot on the spur of the moment.  There often is no time for setting up a shot, repositioning yourself to improve the composition, etc., so cropping becomes a necessity.  This image had a lot of distractions on the left and right of the subjects as people were milling around in the background.  I believe that if something doesn’t add to the image, you should remove it, so cropping has become something I’ve gotten more used to doing in pet photography.  I love this little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel…so cute!