Month: September 2011

On Saturday I ran into David & Cheri Frei at the Lehigh Valley Kennel Club dog show in Macungie, Pa.  They were there along with their two adorable dogs  –  Angel, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Grace, a Brittany.  Grace was entered in the show and won her first point ever in the ring!  Way to go David & Grace!!  A proud moment for sure!  I was happy to have the chance to snap a few photos and record the moment.  This image features David and Grace just before ring time.  Do you think David is giving Grace a pep talk? 

I love to watch Roy in the ring!  [GCH Tolkien Raintree Mister Baggins]  Roy is a gorgeous Bearded Collie and to watch him float around the ring is pure magic!  His long silky coat sways back and forth and he moves so gracefully!  Roy is expertly handled by Cliff Steele and he recently won Best in Show at the Pocono Mountain Kennel Club Show in Gilbert, Pa.  I saw him this weekend at the Lehigh Valley Kennel Club Show in Macungie, Pa. and snapped this image as he and Cliff made their way across the grass.  I love how Roy’s paw is in the air and Cliff’s foot is in the air as well.  Poetry in motion! 

I’m not sure what breed this is [Otterhound maybe?  Can anyone help me out?] but it’s definitely a puppy and he/she has the most adorable long ears ever!

…sweater weather!!  Holy cow…yesterday it was 80+ degrees and today barely over 50 degrees!  Yipes!  I guess I can put my flip flops away now!  Maybe I need a nice warm animal print sweater like this Boston Terrier is wearing?!  Cozy!!!

A little break from the canine world today to focus on an image from a car show that I attended in July.  I love reflections of cars in cars and thought it might be fun to create a black and white image with just the reflection of the red truck in color.  Now that’s one mirror-like wax job, isn’t it?