Did Somebody Say Cat Toy?

Whoo hoo…..a wand toy that’s shiny…..what more could a cat want?!  Different cats react to different types of toys.  It’s interesting to watch and see what motivates cats to play.  One may love a certain type of toy and another can be be completely disinterested in it.  This cat seems to like the wand toy with the shiny strings dangling in front of him.  My cat Sebastian would love this toy.  He likes anything that is shiny…..strings, balls, you-name-it.  My other cats had different preferences.  Socrates was a furry-toy type of guy.  He loved any toy made from real fur…..maybe he was a frustrated mouser, I’m not sure.  He only ever encountered a real live mouse once in his life and he chased it around the house and played with it instead of doing what he was supposed to do.  Tara liked wand toys, just like Sebastian.  She didn’t have a preference though for shiny or not-shiny….any wand toy that she could try and catch would keep her entertained for quite a while.  They all seemed to like interactive toys that required someone [a.k.a. me] to play with them.  Sebastian is pretty happy these days since Santa Paws brought him a new catnip toy for Christmas.  Yum…..catnip!  What is your pet’s favorite toy?

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