Take Offs and Landings
Posted on March 9, 2012 in Animals, Nature, Wildlife
The migration activity at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area is winding down for this year. I noticed on their website that yesterday’s snow goose count was only 20,000. Last weekend it was over 65,000. If you are planning to visit this weekend, you might call ahead for an update before making the trip, otherwise you may be disappointed. Visit their website updates here:
The most exciting activity at Middle Creek is when tens of thousands of snow geese take off at once, with a lot of noise and flapping of wings, and fly right overhead. It’s interesting to watch and try and figure out what causes them to take to flight. Sometimes it’s a bald eagle that gets a little too close…looking for lunch! Other times it seems like one goose decides that he needs to relocate and then all of his friends join him as they pick a new spot where they can graze. I enjoy watching the birds coming in for a landing……webbed feet dangling beneath them as they plop onto the ground. Today’s blog images show some birds in flight as well as some coming in for a landing. Enjoy!