Month: September 2012


I have to apologize to the person I was talking with at the Westchester Kennel Club show when this picture happened.  I just couldn’t help it – this HAD to be photographed.  You probably heard me say, “Uh huh, yes, what you said…..”  all the while snapping away with my camera – so distracted!  I really do apologize!  So, if ever you and I are chatting at a show and suddenly I pick up the camera and start taking photos, it’s nothing that you said!  It’s just that I can’t pass up a great photo op!  I’ll be right back to the conversation once I get my shot!  🙂  So what do you think… dog or two?


We interrupt your regularly scheduled dog photo of the day to present a little splash of Fall color.  The air is cool, the humidity is gone, and there is so much to photograph at this time of year!  I was out for a walk today and the trees are showing some hints of color!  I photographed this pretty red maple leaf just where it fell …. on the boat dock at the lake!  Enjoy the season everyone!

Afghan Hounds are one of my favorite breeds to watch in the show ring.  They are elegant, graceful, and the movement of their long fur as they glide around the ring is second to none, especially from a photographer’s point of view!  This image features an Afghan puppy whose adult fur has not grown in yet.  Quite adorable, don’t you think?  This image is from the Westchester Kennel Club show a few weekends ago.  [I was so tempted to write, “Hey pup….why the long face?!” but I resisted! ]  🙂

Monty [GCH Nchanted Silk Lining] is one ingenious pooch!  Here he is sitting ringside at the Lehigh Valley Kennel Club show in Macungie, Pa. last weekend.  Each dog and handler will walk right past him as they make their way into the ring for judging.  So what does Monty do?  Well, he flashes his best Corgi smile and looks at each handler with those big soft brown eyes and OF COURSE they will share a treat with him!  And isn’t that exactly what he wants?  He’s in the perfect spot to beg…and beg he did!  You are one smart cookie, Monty!  [And you probably packed on a pound or two that day from all of those extra treats!]  It was so darn cute!

What a girly girl!  So stinkin’ cute!