Month: March 2015

3621_Mar 2015
When I first launched my website many many moons ago, I had a monthly contest and asked visitors to guess what I photographed in an image.  All those who guessed correctly had their names put into a bowl and my cat, Socrates, would draw one name.  The person selected would win a print of any photo on my website.  It was a lot of fun and everyone seemed to enjoy it!  Especially Socrates who loved playing with the folded papers each month!  Socrates was a paper chewer, so getting him to select the name without eating it was a challenge!  Can anyone guess what I photographed in this image?  Anyone who guesses correctly will have their name put into a bowl and we’ll see what Brewster and Savannah have to say about choosing a winner!



I love this description of The Pointer from the American Kennel Club website:  “Here is an animal whose every movement shows him to be a wide-awake, hard-driving hunting dog possessing stamina, courage, and the desire to go. And in his expression are the loyalty and devotion of a true friend of man.”  This is one of my favorite breeds to photograph!


When I looked at these bare trees in the midst of what seems like the longest winter ever, the word that came to mind was “craggy”.  To me it means rough and disheveled looking, but thought I’d search an online dictionary to be sure.  Merriam-Webster’s first definition was “having many crags”.  Well, that doesn’t help much …. what is a crag?  The second definition hit the nail on the head….”rough in a way that suggests strength”.  Yep, that’s what I was going for!


Some dog shows have great food … others, not so much.  I’m often at a show for 8 or more hours in a day and eventually the need for food arises.  If I know that the show location offers lackluster fare, I’ll take along my own snacks to keep me going until I get home.  While at a show at the Utz Arena at the York, Pa. Fairgrounds earlier this month, I was dining on a delicious turkey wrap sandwich and spotted these soft pretzels.  For whatever reason, I felt that they needed to be photographed!  I added a little Topaz Impression for a painting effect.


Whether you and your dog are home on the couch, at the park, walking in the city, or at a top notch dog show, by all means, enjoy every moment with your best friend!