Month: October 2015


Schlicher’s Covered Bridge was built in 1882 and is located in Lehigh County, Pa.  The current version is a reconstructed replica of the original which was replaced in 2013 for safety reasons due to extreme deterioration.  This bridge is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and crosses the Jordan Creek.  It is sometimes referred to as the “deer pen bridge” since it is surrounded by the Trexler-Lehigh County Game Preserve and deer are often seen grazing nearby.  My dad and I would often drive around the state in search of covered bridges.  I would photograph them and then he would create an oil painting from the photo.  He would have loved to paint this scene!


I pass the water lily pond every day … twice!  In Spring it comes alive with pretty yellow water lilies.  In Fall, it is one of my favorite spots for reflections.  It is home to frogs, ducks, geese and an occasional heron.  It was picture perfect on this late Fall afternoon so I dashed home for my camera and spent a few minutes enjoying and photographing the view!


Despite yesterday’s snow flurries, Brewster and Savannah are hanging on to every ounce of summer!  It’s never too late in the season to wear seersucker, is it?


These two look very sweet and innocent, but something tells me that they are secretly plotting a new adventure that involves mischief!


I love this breed – the Australian Terrier.  They were introduced in the U.S. in the 1940’s and officially recognized by the AKC in 1960.  I always say that I would love to have a dog when I eventually retire.  This would be another breed that would be on my top 10 list.  Brewster and Savannah would love a Terrier to chase around the house.  Or…would it be the other way around?