Category: Animals

Mommy Great Horned Owl had two babies this year.  They were born one day apart and are now about 3 weeks old.  I was only able to see one owlet as the other was tucked in the nest behind mom.  The nest is in a hole in a large tree and the owls really blend in with their environment, don’t they?  So adorable!

Gabriel is as cute as can be and has the longest whiskers that I’ve seen on a cat!  He is also a thief!  All three cats love the turbo scratcher toy that features a round track with a ball that they can bat around and a corregated cardboard center for scratching.  We have 3 turbo scratchers and not one of them still has the ball in it!

It didn’t take Gabriel long to figure out how to remove the ball from the track so that he can chase it around the house!  I have spent many hours searching under furniture and appliances with a flashlight to try and find the balls.  To date, I have located one!  The other two are still MIA!  I now keep the ball out of the track when I’m not supervising their playtime so that this one doesn’t disappear as well.  This is why we can’t have nice things, Gabriel!!!  If anyone has any suggestions for how to keep the ball from being easily removed from the track, please share.  It has to still be able to roll around, but needs to be just a smidge larger so it can’t come out of the track!

Two of my most favorite things are seeing thousands of snow geese in flight and listening to the clip clop sound of a horse and buggy!  Seeing them both together and being able to photograph the moment was a dream come true!  This is my new favorite photo from this year’s migration at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area.

I love this shot of a kitten on the judging table at the cat show on Saturday.  For being so small, this little one was very relaxed and especially loved all of the cuddles and chin scratches!  I can almost hear purring when I look at this photo!

His name is Nelson (MTNest Lord Nelson of HiGrove) and he is 9 months old.  At that young age, this handsome boy is the #2 Maine Coon kitten in the world.  Yes, the WORLD!  Nelson and his owners traveled from Florida to the TICA cat show in Allentown, Pa. over the weekend and I had the pleasure of meeting them all before he went into the ring for judging.  I am in LOVE with this adorable kitten!