Category: Nature

Filling the bird feeders keeps everyone happy!  The birds enjoy visiting, especially when there is snow on the ground and food sources are limited.  The cats are happy because they can sit by the window and watch their feathered friends who come to feed.  I am happy because I can spend some time outdoors in the fresh air practicing bird photography!  Today’s visitors were of the usual variety:  Dark-Eyed Junco, Male and Female Cardinal, Mourning Dove, White Breasted Nuthatch, Woodpecker, and this Tufted Titmouse.

Mommy Great Horned Owl had two babies this year.  They were born one day apart and are now about 3 weeks old.  I was only able to see one owlet as the other was tucked in the nest behind mom.  The nest is in a hole in a large tree and the owls really blend in with their environment, don’t they?  So adorable!

Two birds of a feather flying together … a Ring-Billed Gull and a Greater Snow Goose at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area.

The Snow Geese had been flying back and forth between the lake and the nearby fields all afternoon.  Their change in location was very much inspired by a passing Great Blue Heron or Hawk.  Just before sunset, they were all in the fields right near the road.  I couldn’t resist a few backlit images and the warm color of the setting sun before I headed for home.  The latest count from Middle Creek shows an INCREASE in numbers of geese, so there is still time to head on out for a ‘gander’ at the geese before they fly to their northern breeding ground!

It was so much fun to find a few banded snow geese at Middle Creek this year and report them to the North American Bird Banding Program.  The program is under the direction of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service who study the movement, survival and behavior of birds.  I have submitted and received certificates on two banded greater snow geese and have a few more to submit.  Goose #XC24 was hatched in 2015 or earlier and banded on 8/12/16 way north of Canada in the arctic circle!  It was amazing to look for the location on the world map and see just how far this little girl has flown to be with us at Middle Creek!  The photo shows one of my photos of  XC24 and the certificate received from the U.S. Geological Survey.