Category: Topaz


Some dog shows have great food … others, not so much.  I’m often at a show for 8 or more hours in a day and eventually the need for food arises.  If I know that the show location offers lackluster fare, I’ll take along my own snacks to keep me going until I get home.  While at a show at the Utz Arena at the York, Pa. Fairgrounds earlier this month, I was dining on a delicious turkey wrap sandwich and spotted these soft pretzels.  For whatever reason, I felt that they needed to be photographed!  I added a little Topaz Impression for a painting effect.


…fly the American flag and say a special prayer for all veterans!

I can honestly say that I love my commute to work!  Not only is it a beautiful drive, but I have the opportunity to see LOTS of wildlife.  On my way home Monday, a flock of wild turkeys ran across the road in front of me, followed not too far behind by a raccoon!  This morning, I was treated to a bald eagle sighting on the road leading to my workplace.  What a majestic bird!  I saw it gliding across the sky near the river and wasn’t sure if it was an eagle or a hawk.  Then I saw the flash of white and the yellow beak and sure enough, it was a bald eagle!  No photos, unfortunately, but the photo in my mind is perfection!  This image is from yesterday’s afternoon drive home …. the colors are fabulous!  I added a touch of oil painting effect with Topaz Impression.  Happy Fall everyone!


6264_Middle Creek 2013

There are so many different groups of people represented at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area during the snow geese migration.  First you have the true blue birders who have magnificent binoculars and can name every bird that flies by including their scientific classification.  Then there are the photographers….which vary from the serious wildlife folks with the 6 zillion mm camouflage lenses right down to the people taking photos with their cell phones!  You also see the families with kids and dogs just out for a hike and to witness the migration without worrying about recording the moment through photos.  When the wildlife activity slows down, I usually turn my lens to the people and dogs at the park as there always seems to be something of interest that catches my eye.  In this instance, it was an older gentleman watching the wildlife activity through his binoculars. 

This is a scene in the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum depicting what the conductor’s office looked like ‘back in the day’.  I love the old fan, phone, and lunch box.  Life was so much less complicated then!