I love images where the subject fills the frame!  Being able to accomplish that in wildlife/bird photography is often challenging due to equipment limitations and proximity to the subject.   Despite taking sometimes more than 1,000 images in a day of photographing snow geese, I often have only a few images that catch my attention upon review.  This one was a favorite from yesterday’s visit to Middle Creek.  Thankfully the inner tour road is now open and there was an opportunity to get a little closer to the birds while they were out in the farm fields.  I even managed to get all of the wings in the frame….which I tend to mess up on more often than not!  Practice, practice, practice!

I am never happy when the word Nor’easter appears in the weather forecast.  Nor’easter storms come up the Atlantic coastline with winds blowing from the northeast.  In winter, they are often accompanied by a LOT of snow.  March has certainly come in like a lion with heavy rain yesterday and snow/wind today.  The fierce winds had the snow blowing sideways earlier this afternoon which allowed it to stick to the trees in the forest and present a beautiful scene for a photograph!

“S” curves in photography are compositional elements that lead the viewer’s eye through an image.  They are thought to lend grace and rhythm to a scene and most often are found in roads, paths, tree lines, streams, railings, flower plantings, etc.  Who says an “S” curve can’t be found in waterfowl?  This is a Great Blue Heron landing along the shoreline during a visit to Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area earlier this month.

I am always drawn to the different parcels of crops in different colors that are planted and sprouting this time of year.  As I drive through the rural countryside and see mostly gray landscape, it brings the anticipation of Spring when I come upon all of these different colors!

Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area is like Woodstock for Snow Geese.  A vast open area to congregate and party with 200,000 of your feathered friends!  On the day that I shot this image, snow geese covered the entire lake and much of the nearby fields.  The sights and sounds were amazing!  Party on guys!

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