Posted on February 28, 2010 in Flowers, Lensbaby, Macro, Nature
With all of the wintry weather this past month, I felt like a breath of Spring was in order today. I found this pretty Calla at the greenhouse & photographed it with the Lensbaby Composer and soft focus optic along with the macro filters. I tried the +4 macro, the +10 macro, and at one point I had both the +4 and +10 macro filters on the Lensbaby at the same time. I’m not sure which image was taken with what combination, but I love the softness, shallow DOF, and pastel colors. I can’t wait for my Spring bulbs to sprout in the garden!
Posted on February 27, 2010 in Black and White, Fractalius, Lensbaby, Nature, Winter
This image was shot during the height of the snowstorm this past week. I photographed this scene in my yard using the Lensbaby Composer and soft focus optic, then converted it to black and white. Finally I applied a Fractalius filter for a more artsy kind of look. I’ll be happy to see flowers in my yard instead of snow…blah!
Posted on February 25, 2010 in Animals, Black and White, Lensbaby, Pet Photography
I’ve been paying special attention to taking photos of my cats as I know that I am blessed to have them for only a short time. My sweet cat Socrates went to heaven in January and I really miss him. I have some recent images that really captured his personality and will provide many happy memories. Here is my cat Sebastian photographed with the Lensbaby Composer and soft focus optic. I must find a way to convince Sebastian that a camera will not hurt him. Coming away with a good photo of him is a challenge. Treats might work!
Posted on February 24, 2010 in Black and White, Landscape, Nature
It looks like another “snow event” is on the way for my neck of the woods over the next 2 days. At least a foot is predicted. I know I should take advantage of the photo ops that a winter storm provides, but I’d much rather stay inside where it’s warm and dry! [wimp!] This image was taken at Valley Forge National Historical Park near Philadelphia, Pa. a couple months ago. I’m working to get my new computer up and running after my old one crashed last weekend and things are slow but moving along. I’m able to edit photos again, so I’m happy. Whoo hoo!
Posted on February 21, 2010 in Miscellaneous
Hi all –
I’m having computer issues and have had to upgrade – boo hiss. As a result, I’ve lost all of my e-mail addresses. If you can send me a note to, I would appreciate it as then I can update my address book.