Month: October 2011

Isn’t this the sweetest thing with 4 paws?  This little one was a popular favorite at the cat show.  He/she is a 4-month old Exotic kitten that stole just about everyone’s heart.  Are you familiar with this breed of cat?  They are bred to meet the standard of a Persian cat but with one exception – the coat.  Exotics have thick, dense and SHORT coats instead of long coats like the Persian.  They are said to have a “teddy bear look” and they require less grooming than a Persian.  Very cute indeed!  If I could have fit this little one into my pocket – and no one would have noticed – he/she might have come home with me!  🙂

GCH CH Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman, “Buddy”, and handler Larry Cornelius pose for a win photo at the Devon Kennel Club show earlier this month.  Buddy is a gorgeous Skye Terrier who recently won his 10th all-breed Best in Show of the year in Atlanta.  Congrats Larry and Buddy! 


One of the places I visited last weekend in search of Fall color was Eckley Miners’ Village in NE Pennsylvania.  Not much color in the leaves but there is always plenty to photograph in this tiny little historic spot.  It’s worth a visit any time of year.  At one time there were 2 streets, now only one, and over 1,000 residents.  Today only some of the homes are inhabited while others remain as historic landmarks. 

Isn’t the look on this kitten’s face priceless?  This image is just made for captions.  I think mine would be, “Oh dear….how can I blame the dog for that hairball on the carpet?”  Send me your best captions for this image! 

“Yes, I know I’m super cute and these purple barrettes were the finishing touch to my “look”!”