Month: August 2015


We’ve had a LOT of rain this summer in my neck of the woods.  Just yesterday we received over an inch.  It was torrential at times!  In some ways the garden has been thriving (the weeds are growing like crazy!) and then there are the plants and flowers that don’t like too much water.  Here’s one that tolerates wet soil nicely …. with a rain droplet on the petal.


Age is only a number….just ask Chesapeake Bay Retriever, “GCH. CABIN RIDGE’S MEGA MARGARITA” a.k.a. Rita.  She’s 11 years young and still showing like a superstar in the ring.  Here she is with handler, Kevin Bednar …. one of her most favorite people in the world!


I would love to bring home just about any breed in the Sporting Group, but the Clumber Spaniel is one of my all-time favorites!  The AKC website describes this breed as “Mellow, gentlemanly, amiable; dignified but always amusing.”  I love their expression and movement.  Now who wouldn’t want a big slobbery kiss from this pup??


Oh, this is definitely an outtake!  Brewster and I were trying to take a selfie and success was very elusive.  At this point I believe he had enough of “looking pretty for the camera”!  All he really wanted was the treat reward that he knew was coming at the end of the photo session!


Now that’s a built-in boot polisher right there!  🙂  My angel cat Sebastian LOVED shoes!  He could always be found with his nose in a sandal or even sleeping on a sneaker!  What could be better than a dog like the one photographed above who wants to be THAT close to you all the time?!  This is just the sweetest dog!