Month: April 2016


I love to watch dogs (and cats, of course!) as they observe the world around them.  The smallest thing will pique their interest.  Most often it is something that we, as humans, either don’t notice or take for granted.  A bird on a tree branch outside of the window, the curtains moving in the breeze from the window, or even a dust bunny gliding across the kitchen floor!  It’s fun to try and imagine what they are thinking as they watch intently!


This is one of the most photographed spots at Longwood Gardens.  It seems there should be an “X” marked on the ground and a little sign that says “Kodak Photo Spot” so that everyone stops to take a photo here.  It is a beautiful location no matter what the season!  Typically I shy away from shooting images that make their way into most everyone’s portfolio because I’m looking for something unique, but I really do love this scene.


Just one of the gorgeous flowers currently blooming in the Conservatory at Longwood Gardens.  Handheld with the Lensbaby Velvet 56.


The tulip display at Longwood Gardens is always worth a visit.  The challenge is to come away with photos that don’t have people in them because the crowds are very large at this time of year!  I shot almost exclusively with my Lensbaby on this visit because I wanted a softer look to my images.

Gabriel has settled in with his big brother and sister and is growing fast.  He’s 11 months old, almost always up to something mischievous, and he’s become a super model seemingly overnight.  Getting him to sit still long enough for a few photos is a challenge, but we’ve pulled off some blog worthy images, like this one!