Month: August 2016


The colors of the landscape change dramatically as the sun rises on the horizon.  This image was taken much earlier than the one from yesterday’s post that had an orange tone from the already risen sun.  In today’s photo, the sun had not yet become visible and the water was reflecting the blue, pink, orange and purple hues of the sky.  Gosh, I should get out with my camera this early more often!  It was so pretty and peaceful.  I love being the only person on the beach at this time of day!


If it weren’t for Gabriel and his 5:30 AM antics, you wouldn’t be looking at this photo right now.  Cats are known to sleep 18 hours a day – the other 6 hours (often in the middle of the night at our house!) are for playing.  On Saturday morning at 5:30, Gabriel thought it a fun idea to pull the curtain rod off the window frame, nails and all.  So, after hearing the crash at that ridiculous hour, I found myself searching in the carpet for the nails and then hammering the rod back in place.  As long as I was up and the sun was about to rise, I decided to head down to the Lake and see if there were any photo opportunities.  Getting out at sunrise is a rarity for me, so I was pleased to come home with a few images that made it worth the trip.  I love this scene of the early morning fishermen with their lines in the water waiting for the catch of the day.


My favorite area of Pennsylvania is Lancaster County.  I love the quiet country farms with pristine homes, rolling fields of crops, windmills, and animals.


The sky is always blue in the Fountain Lobby at The Hotel Hershey.  The lobby is perfect for meeting friends or relaxing with a book.  It’s also beautiful to photograph.  There are so many colors, textures, shapes and patterns!

I wonder if the stairway to Heaven looks like this?  Pretty paved steps, a rustic wooden fence, beautiful flowers and ferns along the sides … and waiting at the top, all of our family, friends and pets that have gone before us.  Oh, I hope it looks just like this!