Month: April 2018

The perfect time for photographing tulips is just after a gentle rain.  How can you not be happy when surrounded by so much beauty?!

My Easter tulips are still blooming, although today’s rain may have wiped them out!  Now if only I could plant them in the Fall and not have the squirrels dig up the bulbs and run off with them, I would be happy!  (Photographed with the Lensbaby Velvet 56 which gives a softness to the image that I LOVE!)

Here’s another image from last week’s visit to Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge.  I love seeing all of the shorebirds that are so different from what we see in the mountains of Pennsylvania!  This one looks like a sandpiper, but not sure which one – there are many!

The Raymond Pool at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge had many Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets wading in the shallow water when I visited.  It was a treat to be able to watch their behavior and photograph them both in the water and in flight.

It took me a little while to ID this bird above, but I’m pretty sure it’s the female Red Winged Blackbird.  She looks nothing like her male counterpart pictured below that has the red epaulets .  I love how she’s straddling the branches that have new Spring buds on them.  These images are from Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware.  Red Winged Blackbirds are great singers!