Category: Black and White

Last weekend I photographed a beautiful Spinone Italiano puppy and his family.  The goal was to capture photos of the puppy with the children.  We found a spot that was filled with dandelions and the girls had fun running through the flowers and sending all of the petals into the wind.  It made for some fun shots….like this one.  Stay tuned for photos of “Rufus”!

I saw these iron steps and railing a couple weeks ago when I was driving to a business appointment.  Of course I didn’t have my camera, so I made a mental note of the location so I could go back.  Today was the day.  I was in the general vicinity again and was able to grab the shot that I wanted.  The rusty steps and peeling paint on the brick wall add texture and I really like all of the graphic lines and circles in the decorative ironwork. 

A popular spot at the dog show is the “Meet the Breeds” area.  Throughout the day dogs and their owners are on hand to greet visitors who can get up close and personal and learn about the breeds.  The kids especially love to visit here because they can get down on the floor, pet, and play with the dogs.  This Brittany was being very patient as a couple of children were petting him and playing with his ears.  At one point the little girl gave him a big old smooch on the mouth!  Obviously the dogs in the “Meet the Breeds” area have a very good temperament and love meeting people!  To see more photos from the Harrisburg Kennel Club Dog Show, visit:

The Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum recently had a History Expo that included a Civil War encampment.    This image depicts the typical items carried by a soldier during the Civil War.   I wouldn’t make a very good soldier…..traveling “light” isn’t one of my strong points.  Just ask my friends at work … I carry way too much stuff in to work each day that I “just can’t live without”!    Oh and my camera bag [which is on wheels!] is now so heavy that I can’t even lift it.  Every lens and filter tends to go with me everywhere….”just in case”!  🙂

This character actor was on hand at an event where he was teaching kids about local history.  His face and expression had so much character that I just had to photograph him.