Month: March 2010

This image was taken in Jim Thorpe, Pa. and is typical of the Victorian style architecture found in this quaint little town.  What I liked about this scene is the contrast between the hard lines of the brick and window shutters and the softness of the flowers on the curtains. 


Yorkies are one of the smallest dogs in the Toy Group, but they think that they are Great Danes.  Take this little one.  She lives in the shadow of a giant bridge and nearby park where lots of folks come to relax.  During our visit there last Fall, she came out to say hello.  She had a new litter of puppies to tend to and didn’t stay long, but I couldn’t resist photographing her.   What a sweet dog and oh so friendly!

Super soft calla – photographed with the Lensbaby Composer, Soft Focus Optic, macro attachments +4 and +10.   My favorite part about photographing plants that I bought at the greenhouse?  The fact that the flower is in a pot that I can move around and photograph from all kinds of different angles.  That’s not always possible with plants in the garden.  Plus, it’s WAY easier on my back!  🙂

 My angel kitty Socrates…I miss him…

I tend not to crop my images very often as I prefer to compose the scene as best I can in camera.  This image is an exception and I felt that cropping brought the focus to what I really liked about the scene –  the flower pots on the brick steps.  What I cropped out of the top of the image is the rest of the door.  The door had a wreath hanging on it that caused me to struggle to determine the focus … was it the wreath or the flower pots?   Once I cropped away the distraction, I was much happier with the shot.  I processed this one with a little Topaz Simplify.