Month: August 2014

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Just when you think that summer is coming to an end, a bright pink flower appears in the garden for the first bloom of the season!  I don’t know the name of these, but they look like miniature lilies and bloom in mid-August.  They are definitely worth waiting all season to see.  This is a very abstract version photographed with the Lensbaby 3G.



This past weekend, Mack Pool in Allentown, Pa. held their annual Doggie Dip Days.  Each year the pool goes to the dogs just before they are ready to close for the season!  The weather was ideal and there were dogs galore all taking a dip and having a blast!  In this photo, it was Conga time for dog and owner in the shallow end of the pool.  Can’t you just hear the conga music playing in the background?


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The dogs were making a splash at the Keystone Dock Dogs event this weekend at Cabela’s in Hamburg, Pa.  I loved seeing this Husky in the Big Air competition.  In Big Air, the dogs run from anywhere on a 40′ dock and jump into the water after a toy.  The place where their tail set breaks the water surface is measured for distance jumped.  There were some high flying dogs in today’s competition!

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Back in the day, the hood ornament played a major role in my learning to drive.  (No, I wasn’t learning when THESE cars were on the road …. it was a “few” years later!)  When my dad took me out to practice on narrow winding country roads, he always told me not to take my half out of the middle of the road.  In order to help me determine if I were staying in the proper spot in my lane, he told me to try and keep the hood ornament in line with the line on the right edge of the road.  I imagine that it worked well enough, but I remember having trouble at first watching the hood ornament, the on-coming traffic, the road itself, the signs, etc.  Many of the cars at the Pottsville Car Cruise had hood ornaments and that reminded me of my days learning to drive a car.

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The best Terrier of the day at the Hunterdon Hills Kennel Club show in NJ earlier this month was the Kerry Blue, “GCH Class Act By Hallsblu”, a.k.a. “Jack”.