Month: July 2016


Don’t you think that this scene would make an awesome jigsaw puzzle?  I love putting together jigsaw puzzles and really believe that in doing so, you help train your eye to see color, pattern and texture variations in the world around you.  As you examine the puzzle pieces, you begin to observe the slight differences in color as your eye moves across the scene.  You notice patterns and textures that you may overlook if you were not scrutinizing every square inch of the image trying to match pieces. Maybe if I move the wooden box and bunny statue, I could put together a puzzle right on that table while enjoying the garden around me!  🙂


…don’t miss the architecture!  I can’t believe that I’ve never visited The Pagoda in Reading, Pa. until just this year!  This is an iconic historic landmark situated on Mt. Penn overlooking the city of Reading that offers a wonderful view of the city.  As the name implies, it’s a pagoda that was originally intended to be a resort when built in 1908.  Today the building offers a cafe, observation area, tours, and can be rented for events.  I love the architecture.  Especially all of the horizontal and vertical lines in this image.


This is a very busy mommy robin.  She had her first brood this Spring and I watched the two babies take their first flight in late June.  The nest was in the Yew bush right in front of my house and just about 6 feet from the ground.  This weekend I saw mommy robin back in the nest with her second brood of babies on the way.  She doesn’t mind me being in the yard, even mowing the grass.  But, if I walk over and talk to her, she squawks and flees the nest, keeping an eye on me from a nearby tree.  I added a nesting box to the front porch, hoping that it would be useful, but it looks as though this mommy likes the comforts of a familiar home. Below is a cell phone photo (terrible!) of one of the babies from the first brood after it flew from the nest for the first time.




Train car number 47 has seen better days, but from this photographer’s point of view, it’s just perfect!  What could be more fun to photograph than warped rotted wood and rust?  Oh okay, dogs and cats, but other than that….??!!


Here’s another of the high flying dock dogs at Codorus Blast last month.  This pup looks so relaxed and I think he’s smiling, too!