Category: Topaz


The Japanese Maple tree in my yard is quite a show-stopper.  It has burgundy leaves throughout the summer and as if to show off for the world before winter, the leaves turn vivid red right before they drop to the ground.  It’s quite the opposite of the other trees which display their pretty orange, yellow and red colors first, then turn brown and fall.  I usually wait until the Japanese Maple has dropped all of its leaves before I begin raking.  I love seeing the bright red mixed with the brown oak leaves and sprigs of grass.  Today I was feeling a little artsy and so I processed this image with Topaz Impression and gave it a painting-like effect.


Pennsylvania is known for it’s rolling hillsides and farmland.  The added bonus of interesting clouds made this a scene worthy of photographing.  Hope everyone is enjoying as beautiful a summer weekend as we are having here in Pennsylvania!


When I look at this image, I can smell the wonderfully fragrant lavender plants that filled the farm.  Imagine opening your windows on a summer morning and welcoming in that wonderful scent!  I’ve added 3 lavender plants to my garden and…with any luck…maybe I can do exactly that!


Meanwhile, somewhere in Lancaster County, Pa. sits this beautiful farmhouse.  I can’t begin to tell you where it is because I have no idea.  I shot this image on one of those days when I was meandering along the back roads and enjoying the countryside.   I do remember that storms were expected and I was hoping for some moody skies to photograph, but that never happened.   I had to settle for a touch of blue sky with some wispy clouds floating above the farmland.


When I looked at these bare trees in the midst of what seems like the longest winter ever, the word that came to mind was “craggy”.  To me it means rough and disheveled looking, but thought I’d search an online dictionary to be sure.  Merriam-Webster’s first definition was “having many crags”.  Well, that doesn’t help much …. what is a crag?  The second definition hit the nail on the head….”rough in a way that suggests strength”.  Yep, that’s what I was going for!